The Problem.
There are over 2,500,000 orphaned children in Uganda.

All children need a home.
The Mityana District of Uganda has over 16,000 orphaned children.
Fatherless homes.
Many children grow up in single-parent, generally fatherless homes. This requires the mother to work all day just to put food on the table. With the average motherhood rate being 5.1 children per mother, there is often not enough money to support all of the children. This leads to widespread child abandonment, neglect and abuse.
Alcohol abuse.
Uganda is one of the drunkest countries in the world. This alcohol abuse is spurred on by home-brewed moonshine called waragi. Many adults drink every night, leading to neglect of children, the inability to hold a job, and rampant fatherlessness in households.
Lack of medical care.
Many children are born with medical conditions, or they are developed due to lack of proper nutrition and nurturing. Special needs children are more likely to be abandoned because parents can not afford to care for them.

“We believe children don’t just need a hand out, they need a hand up.”
— Carrie Parr, Vice President - Hope Center Uganda Board