You have the ability to make a serious difference in a child’s life.
Donate and help a child today!
Hope Center rescues vulnerable children, gives them a safe place to live, with the ultimate goal of reuniting the child with a loving family member. Our goal is to meet all the needs of the child, putting them on a path forward that allows for a healthy and full life.
Your donation helps us provide food, clothing, medical care and a safe place for each child to call home.
Your donation also supports our efforts to provide the children with an education. Any support helps bridge the gap in our ability to care for the child with our staff and the educational opportunities each child has by attending school. School fees are an additional cost. As each child grows, our goal is to be able to provide them with the ability to go to school.
Check out the stories of some of our children at the Hope Center and donate today to make a lasting impact in their lives.
Baby Collins
Age: 1 year old
He joined HCU on 2/09/2024 as a result of negligence and was severely malnourished. He was left with his grandmother of 95 years old who was unable to care for him. He was suffering from malnutrition and immediately HCU took Collins to hospital, and he was admitted for treatment and after recovery he was discharged back to the center for further care and protection.
Updates: He has greatly improved due to the care and love received from HCU employees by God’s Grace. Healthy and improving and gaining weight as you can witness in the picture above.
Baby Christine
Age: 2 months old
Christine joined HCU on 27/09/2024 at the age of 1 week old. She was found neglected due to the fact that her mother is mentally slow and has severe disability plus the entire family being too poor and is unable to care for the baby. The child was likely to suffer from malnutrition or to lose her life because the mother’s handling was so alarming since she is mentally unstable and no one in the family to help her out.
Updates: Christine’s immunization process is ongoing, looking beautiful and healthy.
Maria Kisakye
Age: 10 months old
Maria was rescued on 13/12/2024 by the police from a mentally ill mother who wanted to kill her. She would hit the baby and throw her to the road. Maria was severely malnourished, had wounds on her back and a swollen cheek. Maria was admitted at the hospital for 6 days for medical attention since she went through so much torture from her mentally ill mother and later was referred to HCU for safe custody and protection by Mubende probation officer.
Rogers Senabulya
Age: 3 years old
Rogers joined the HCU on 30/09/2022 as a result of child abandonment by his parent to a poor grandmother of 82 years and Rogers was neglected due to the fact that the grandmother couldn’t provide child protection services to the child, joined the center severely malnourished with skin infection and was referred to the center by the probation officer.
Unfortunately in 2023 the grandmother of the child died due to aging illness and HCU team went for burial together with the child.
Updates: Rogers has grown tall & big made 3 years old & weighs 16kgs and is progressing on well as trace back activities are ongoing to see if we can identify the child’s paternal family for reunification.
Ramathan Kyamagero
Age: 7 months old
Ramathan joined the HCU on 11/11/2024. He was severely malnourished. His mother died mysteriously and the baby was initiated on Art drugs to prevent him from acquiring HIV. The baby was left with his drunkard father who would take him along to the bars where they would take alcohol together. People got concerned and contacted the Probation Officer who referred the child to HCU for safety and suitable placement.
Age: 2 years old
Alice joined HCU on the 17/11/2022 at a tender age of 6 months old, severely neglected and malnourished by her poor parents. She was born to a discordant couple living in a poverty-stricken environment hardly able to get what to eat for survival. Alice was likely to lose her life but good enough when they took the child to the government hospital for treatment. A doctor got concerned of the child’s situation together with the parent and contacted the office of probation for help hence referring baby Alice to HCU for child protection services.
Health status: At joining the center Alice’s situation was alarming, severely malnourished with eye infection & skin rushes and was introduced to nutrition support to help her boost her immune system. Alice was kept on Nevirapine syrup to prevent her from acquiring HIV/AIDs since was born to a discordant couple.
Updates: Great improvement in Alice’s life is observed, confirmed HIV Negative, looking healthy and good, gained weight and increased body size, she can now crawl and tries to stand with support.
Mirembe Miracle Maria
Age: 8 months old
She joined HCU on 11/06/2024 at the age of 3 months old. Her mother suffers from many health conditions including epilepsy is unable to care for her child and the child was under the care of great grandmother who is also vulnerable and suffers from a hip fracture. The entire family is poor and cannot afford to buy baby formula and other needs and the child is now under the care of HCU.
Updates: Miracle Maria has grown up and is now 8 months old, healthy, likes taking formula and sleeping and sitting in a seater, she is a jolly girl loved by everyone at the center.
Age: 7 months old
Christian joined HCU on 8/03/2024 at the age of 13 days old. He was found abandoned in the hospital. His mother died due to a caesarian section immediately after birth. Grandmother went with her dead body and never wanted to hear about the child (never returned back to the hospital). The baby had no clothes, formula and a caregiver from the hospital contacted the probation officer for help and probation immediately contacted HCU for support.
Updates: Christian is now a 7 months old, grown-up baby, put on body weight and likes taking too much formula and playing with dolls.
Sophia, Shifah & Mariam (Triplets)
Age: 11 months old
Triplet babies joined HCU on the 27/03/2023 at a tender age of 1 month old. They were abandoned and neglected by their own biological father immediately after hearing that his wife had given birth to triplets. He feared responsibility and took off to an unknown location. The poor mother also failed to take care of the babies since she had no food to eat and other basic needs, hence contacting the local leader in the village to see whether she can be helped together with her children. Lucky enough they contacted the office of the probation and children were rescued and referred to the HCU for child protection services.
Updates: All babies are progressing on well, looking good and healthy, they have grown into big girls with no health issues. They like eating too much and taking a lot of drinks and are loved by all caregivers. Poor mother keeps on visiting the center to check on them and she really appreciates HCU a lot for the good work done towards the babies.
John Don
Age: 1 year old
He joined HCU on 14/11/2023 after being found neglected. He was rescued by a USA team of visitors together with HCU team during the field visit in one of the villages of Mityana district at a tender age of 2 months old. He was severely malnourished & neglected by his poor drunkard mother. Social worker took action of reporting the case to government authorities in the area and later on the child was referred by the government to HCU for support and medical attention to help him regain his health and normal growth & development like any other child.
John’s Health background: He received a referral from Mityana general hospital to Mulago special care children unit Kampala for further treatment. Reaching Mulago, John was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and was put on a nutrition supplement. Later on, while still admitted at Mulago hospital doctors referred John to Mulago Heart institute department to screen his heart and the results indicated that John’s heart was affected with small holes. John spent 3 weeks while admitted and receiving different treatment at Mulago hospital and we thank God he was discharged back to the center safely.
Updates: John (DON) on 12/09/2024 was confirmed the small holes (ASD –Atrial septal defect) were closed.
Age: 1 year old
Shakim joined HCU on 22/11/2023 at a tender age of 3 months old as a result of abandonment & child neglect by his poor mother of Mityana and his biological father moved to unknown location. The child was referred to HCU severely malnourished, underweight and was admitted at Mityana general hospital in pediatric ward for treatment. Shakim is an exposed infant, born pre-mature and is kept on Neverapine syrup to prevent him from acquiring HIV since his mother is HIV Positive. He was referred by the probation officer to HCU to receive child protection services.
Updates: the child is progressing on well, has put on weight, looking healthy with good appetite of formula milk.
Suubi Joseph
Age: 8 months old
Joseph joined HCU on the 1/02/2024 after being abandoned by his biological mother and moved to unknown location. Joseph was rescued by the local leaders and took him to Mityana police for more investigation and further help. Immediately Mityana police contacted the probation officer to look for a suitable home for baby Joseph and was referred to HCU for child protection services as police does its investigation.
Updates: Joseph is progressing while under HCU care. He likes to be lifted/carried all the time, has good appetite of formula milk and soft foods.
Mwesigwa Henry
Age: 1 year old
Henry was enrolled into HCU at the age of 2 weeks old after being rescued from a mentally ill mother as a result of child neglect. During this period of time, his health status was so alarming and in very bad condition. He received care and treatment while under the care of HCU.
He was born on the estimated date of 01/01/2023 and referred at HCU on the 11/01/2023 by the government.
Updates: Henry is progressing well, looks healthy and good, weighs 10kgs, and likes taking formula milk and soft food.
Ethan Galiwango
Age: 2 years old
Ethan joined HCU on the 17/10/2023 as a result of child abuse (Assault and torture evidenced by wounds and sores in his back) the child was abused by his paternal grandfather. Neighbors around got concerned and informed the local leaders around and the case was reported to the police, the grandfather was put in jail and Ethan was referred to HCU for medical attention and care.
Updates: Ethan received treatment and general body checkups and is now progressing on well, weighs 12kg. Looks healthy and good, gained back his smile unlike before. Likes playing with bears.
Edward Ajuna
Age: 3 years old
Edward joined HCU on 30/08/2023, after being abandoned & neglected alone in the house at the age of 2 years old and his parents moved to an unknown place. A Good Samaritan lady contacted the local leader around the village about the case who later on informed the office of the probation and the child was referred to the Hope Center for safe custody.
Updates: Edward is progressing on well, gained weight (15kg), looking healthy and good, likes playing with the fellows around the center and making unique poses.
Emmanuel & Paul
Age: 1 year old
Emmanuel and Paul twin brothers joined HCU on 18/03/2023 as a result of negligence from their mentally ill mother, who used to move with them along the road sides minus food and drinks. These kids were likely to lose their life if no help was received. People got concerned and they contacted the probation officer for further help hence being referred to HCU to receive child protection services.
Updates: both are progressing well. They receive treatment and general body check, with good appetite of food and drinks, they have no health issues.
Joseph Nsanja
Age: 2 years old
Joseph was enrolled at HCU on 18/03/2022 after being rescued from a mentally ill parent who wanted to kill him due to their mental disorder. A relative contacted the local leaders around in the area about the child’s situation and after they informed the probation officer to look for a suitable placement of the child and the child was referred to HCU for child protection services.
Updates: Joseph is progressing well, very funny baby boy, looks healthy and good, gained weight and weighs 16kg, likes football and swinging, singing and dancing with the fellows, likes putting on different colors of saddle shoes.
Age: 1 years old
Nanyonjo Kisakye (Grace) 1 year and 8 months old girl joined HCU on 2-25-25. She was rescued from a mentally ill father who was beating her and said he wanted to slaughter her because the child's mother, who is also mentally unstable, divorced him. A good Samaritan man found this man abusing the child and removed the child from him and took him to the village Local Leader for protection and later on the local leader called HCU for help.
Kizza Carlos
Age: 2 years old
Carlos joined HCU on the 30/11/2022 after being abandoned by his mother to a poor grandmother severely malnourished and grandmother later on failed to take care of the child hence the child being neglected. Good Samaritan lady got concerned of the situation the child was going through and informed HCU social worker and after social worker’s observation, she went further informing the probation officer about the child’s situation hence being referred to HCU for further support.
Health status of Carlos: At joining the center Carlos was born with physical disability (club foot) and was severely malnourished. HCU introduced Carlos into a friendly organization, Chance for Children School of Disabled Children, where he is receiving therapy services and walking support like shoes to help his legs to be like of any other normal children.
Updates: Under HCU Care, Carlos’s health status has greatly improved and pleasing now he can walk well with his legs as we continue taking him for therapies up to agreeable recommended period of the physiotherapist
Pius Kwagala
Age: 2 years old
Pius joined HCI on the 14/11/2022 as a result of abandonment and neglected child by his own biological parent to a poor sickly grandmother who failed to take care of the child and good Samaritan lady got concerned of the situation the child was going through together with his poorly grandmother and contact the authority hence the child being referred to HCU for further help.
Updates: Pius is progressing on well under the care of HCU, looks healthy, good and lovely, likes making fun with the caregivers and is loved by everyone at the center
Jonah Timo
Age: 3 years old
Background Jonah Timo joined HCU on the 23/9/2022 at the age of 1 yr old weighing 5kg as a result of child neglect and torture. Timo’s mother abused her son through denial of rights; like right to eat, play, participation, clothing, parenting to mention but a few, locked him in the house alone from morning to evening while she went to the bar. Neighbors around got concerned about the child’s situation because he was almost losing life and approached the HCU social worker about the child’s life. The Social worker intervened in the case and went further informing the government officers hence the child being referred to HCU for further help.
Health status: At joining the center Jonah’s health was alarming, almost losing his life. He was very tiny, severely malnourished with a strong cough and later when HCU took him for medical attention the child was examined TB Positive and immediately was initiated on TB drugs every day for six months.
Updates: Fortunately, baby Jonah gained life &weight (13kg) as you can observe in the picture above and after the treatment was confirmed TB Negative.
Shafic Lurama
Age: 2 years old
Shafic joined HCU on the 6/12/2022 because of child neglect. He was born to a teen named Harriet (mother) at the age of 16 years old and it’s said that the mother of Shafic was defiled by unknown man during COVID 19 season. The father of the child is unknown, and the young mother failed to provide support to the child hence government intervention and the child was referred to HCU for child protection services.
Health status: At joining the center Shafic’s health status was so alarming at almost losing life. He was severely malnourished, body swollen and used to spend his time crying because his entire body was dehydrated and paining him so much whenever being touched.
Updates: Shafic gained life and is progressing on well, got all the required treatment and by God’s Grace has recovered from all the pain he was experiencing, and his body is now like any other normal child. He has good appetite of food and drinks and is a lovely and gentle humble baby boy.
Polyn Mirembe
Age: 2 years old
Baby Polyn joined HCU on the 23/09/2022 after being abandoned and laid under a lantern camara tree in a blue polythene bag and her umbilical cord was tied up with a peg. Polyn was abandoned by unknown person/mother at a tender age of 1 day old with no identification at all. The case was reported to local leaders and police, then one of the community leaders contacted the probation officer to go and rescue the abandoned baby and the child was referred to HCU for child protection services.
Updates: Polyn is progressing well, looks good and healthy, strong, energetic and is a tough baby girl loved by everyone at the center. No one has ever turned up to claim the child. HCU together with the government managed to identify for her a foster mother who will be taking care of her with time to come.
Justine Nankitu
Age: 1 year old
Justine joined HCU on the 26/07/2023 as a result of abandonment by her own biological mother to a poor grandmother at a tender age of 2 months old. Local leader got concerned about the child’s life and they contacted the probation officer for further help hence referring the child to HCU for child protection services.
Health status: At joining the center Justine’s health was not in good condition, very tiny baby. She had skin rushes, cough and flu.
Updates: Justine got treatment, and good care. She is now looking good and healthy, with a good appetite for formula and soft foods. Poor Grandmother keeps on visiting the center to check on her.
Andrew Kaweesa
Age: 2 years old
Andrew joined HCU on the 3-13-2025. He was found severely malnourished and needed proper care and medical treatment. He was living with his HIV positive alcoholic mother.
Mukisa Elijah
Age: 4 days old
Baby Elijah joined HCU on the 3-22-2025. He was rescued by the police from a mentally ill mother who wanted to kill him.