A Christ-centered home.
It’s not just about providing shelter, it’s about giving children a true home.
Our mission:
Rescuing abused, abandoned, and orphaned children of Uganda and restoring their future with a Christ-centered home.
Giving children a home.
The Hope Center Uganda averages around 30 children at the center at any one time. Some of the children are only weeks or even days old with most children being under the age of 5. Our primary goal is to rehabilitate and then resettle each child with a trusted family member or other responsible adult in a loving, safe home. Learn how you can sponsor a child below.
When a child is brought to the center, they are taken to the nearby hospital for a complete health assessment. They are tested for HIV, treated for any sickness that is identified and given all necessary vaccinations. Children who live at the center are continuously monitored for health issues. If a child shows signs of illness, they are taken to a nearby clinic or hospital for treatment. Our on-staff nurse and caretakers administer necessary medications. We follow a strict immunization schedule ensuring all children are up-to-date on their vaccinations.
The majority of our children are in the early childhood phase of life (birth up to 8 years of age). Babies and toddlers are taught basic skills by trained caretakers. School-aged children are enrolled in a local school and attend with other children within the community.
Showing God’s love.
Our goal is to not just provide for the children’s physical well being, but also share the love and saving Gospel message of Jesus with them. Our staff works to integrate a Christian message into every aspect of the kid’s lives through songs, devotions, Bible reading, and weekly worship services led by local pastors.
Our primary goal is to find a safe, loving forever home for our children. To accomplish this, we do extensive research and we visit the home of the potential guardian. If the person is a good prospect, they then visit the center so we can conduct interviews and assessments. If we determine they are a good fit, they come to the center to meet the child, get to know them and begin forming a bond. Once this process is complete, our Social Worker takes the child to their new home and provides the family with food, clothes and gifts.The Social Worker then makes several post-resettlement visits to the home to assess the situation and ensure the child is thriving.